Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dear Santa James: Ticket Give-Away!

Hi Kids,

It's contest time here at The Most Wonderful Blog of the year. I'm giving away two tickets to see The Most Wonderful Time of the Year! These tickets can be used for any showtime.

Here is what you have to do: In the Comments section below, write me a letter (100 words or less) on why you want the tickets and I'll select a winner from the entries. That's it. However, get to typing fast because This contest ends Wednesday, November 30th at 11pm.

Tickets for the show can be bought The Overtime Theater's website.
There is a Facebook event page for the show.
Also you can follow me on Twitter and use the hash tag #MWTY for nano-bits about the show.

FUN FACT: The United States Postal Service has been answering letters to Santa since 1912. This effort has been know as "Operation Santa" since 1940.

Next Time: The Secret Origin of Santa Claus (for real this time)


  1. Dear Santa Hartz,
    I would love a pair of tickets to see The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, as it would br my last chance to see a show at The Overtime Theater with my beloved before we trudge on to the harsh cold north. It'd be a Christmas dream come true.


    Ps: I also refrained from racist jokes in my comics for a year, so that's gotta count for something.

  2. Because I know where you live, but really just give it to fred.


  3. Fred, your comments have not fallen on deaf ears. I am sympathetic to your plight and your words have touched me (where they touched me, I won't say). Despite Jason's threats on my life, I declare you the winner of this contest! Feel free to dance a jig in celebration.

